Thomas was alone vita download free
Thomas was alone vita download free

thomas was alone vita download free

These aren't plumbers or hedgehogs or bionic commandos. It's nothing most players haven't seen in other games, and on top of that it's stripped of the aesthetics that make other games stand out. There's pleasure to be had in perfecting tricky jumps, and the controls are precise enough to allow it but, again, by itself the platforming is unremarkable. This one can fit into spaces the others can't.

thomas was alone vita download free

This one is a stepping stone for that one. Eventually, you learn the tricks and relationships between your platforming polygons. The pink rectangle might slide onto the blue square, which can then ferry it across dangerous waters.īarring a few gravity-bending levels, most of the challenges aren't terribly taxing. Thomas might jump on top of the tall, skinny rectangle, using it as a platform to reach a higher area. Usually, this requires switching between each character and using their unique abilities. These portals are shaped precisely the same way as each of our heroes, and the challenge arises from figuring out how (and in some cases when) to get everyone to their specific exit. Together, the group must traverse each level, clear its obstacles and reach the designated exit portals. A short, flat pink one can bounce others like a trampoline. A tall, skinny yellow one can jump amazing distances. Thomas is quickly joined by other quadrilaterals of different shapes, sizes and abilities. At the beginning, you control Thomas, sliding in two dimensions and jumping over abstract obstacles and pits filled with toxic water. Mechanically, Thomas Was Alone couldn't be much simpler. He also happens to be a very inquisitive rectangle, a fact that exemplifies everything that makes Thomas Was Alone special. What's amazing is that, thanks to the a tiny injection of story and a bit of good writing, you may actually start to care about them.%Gallery-187303%Thomas is a small, red rectangle. To reiterate: Thomas Was Alone is a platformer starring a cast of little, colored blocks. It breaks platforming mechanics down to their most basic levels, quite literally, replacing characters with colored rectangles and environments with precarious arrangements of black rectangles. On the surface, Thomas Was Alone appears unremarkable.

Thomas was alone vita download free